How To Choose Your Domain Name For Your Niche

How To Choose Your Domain Name For Your Niche

In this digital age, choosing the perfect business name for your niche is a little bit of  hard process to choose over.

This domain name is going to play as an identity to your business  includes business cards, official paperwork and etc.,

But choosing it perfectly in online is a horrible process

More importantly your domain name is a big part of any SEO campaigns you run, and if you fail to choose it carefully then, it will affect your google ranking performance.

Let’s discuss here some useful strategies in fixing your domain name


1.Choose your brand name as your URL

Have you ever heard of Navigational search, it is nothing but your brand name by which users search for your brand.

This navigational search only helps you to attain a large amount of your traffic that will come to your website. 

So it is advised  to use your brand name as your URL.


 2.Pick your own choice

If you plan to pick your domain name then search for it google whether it is available or it , most probably you have a choice  to buy it from buy new, expired, or inactive domains.

If your wish domain name is available then book for it immediately

If you see your ideal domain search like .com is for sale or webp-age not available, then it's really a good sign you can able to buy the domain for a relatively low price

Make use of the website’s lookup feature., and find the old owners of your wish domain and buy it from them.

Alternatively, you can also hire a domain name broker to help you in this step, but remember one thing, finding your domain name via this way is a little bit costlier.


3. Add a verb to your domain name

In this technique, you can get around a domain name which is already taken by another user.

This will help you to use your brand name in the URL itself and also let you not to consider different top level domains(TLD).

Use verbs  like “get” , “buy”,  “try” in addition to your domain names. For eg: or or


4.Extend your brand in the URL

If your brand name was already taken then insert some extended related words to your brand and buy it.

For example business deals with toys and if you search for and notice it is already taken by another person then search with extended



As you know well  .com extension is a global standard, but however, country code top level domains (ccTLDs) are also considered to be trustworthy in some other countries.

For eg and are popular and considered to be safe.

And also if  you are based in the UAE ,then  you can use it as .ae as your TLD


6.Add your country to the domain name

Since it is  best to use this strategy, if you provide services within a certain country or city.

Here use your country name  in your URL.

For example

This clearly  designates where you’re from, but it also brings drawbacks like that  some of your users may think you are only working within that country.


7.Use a Domain Hack

Domain hacks are alternative ways  to make a word or phrase for your TLD’s.

For example, popular social bookmarking site Delicious  and content creation site visually uses a domain hack. 

Domain hacks are definitely not suitable for  everyone, but if you have a trendier brand, try them out. Remember one thing it has a great impact on your SEO. If not handled properly it results in poor SEO.

8.Experiment with abbreviations

Here you can use one or more abbreviate words in your URL.

For example if you are florida based doing toy business then you can use

9. Make Use of Hyphens

Using hyphens in your URL is as controversial tip

Because hyphens usage in URl is liked by one part and obviously hated by another part of people.

This will help you to get your desired domain name with just one small change.



Apart  from using traditional name .com people in this digital age are slowly changing. And most people are using  different TLDs like .tv and .coffee, for their brands.

So if you get a .com for your brand then let you go with it orelse use our strategies, sure it will work out and give you a great niche in your business.

After choosing your domain name, if you going to start your dropshipping website please do contact us at and feel free to discuss with our experts at +91 94 89472059 

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